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Illustration of a women holding a pen and writing in a journal with a heart above her head and whimsical plant in the background plan
Jun 09 2023

Why journaling is good for you

June 9, 2023  /   Wellness  /   5-minute read

Discover the mental health benefits of personal writing!

Journaling is a fantastic tool that can help improve your mental health and overall well-being. It’s widely used in coaching, counseling, and even mental illness treatment.

Two common types of journaling are particularly helpful

Expressive writing

This form of journaling focuses on your innermost thoughts and feelings rather than events or objects. It helps you explore and understand your emotions on a deeper level.

Gratitude journaling

This type of journaling involves focusing on the positive aspects of your life. By capturing situations, events, and interactions that you’re grateful for, you can cultivate a sense of appreciation and positivity.

So, why is journaling so beneficial for your mental health? Let’s take a look:

  • Reducing Anxiety – Journaling provides an outlet for anxious thoughts and helps break the cycle of obsessive thinking.
  • Improving Awareness and Perception – By writing down your experiences and feelings, you gain a better understanding of yourself and the events happening around you.
  • Emotional Regulation – Journaling allows you to process and manage your emotions effectively.
  • Boosting Physical Health – Surprisingly, journaling has been linked to physical health benefits such as improved blood pressure, lung and liver function, and fewer visits to the doctor.
  • Encouraging Awareness – Keeping a journal helps you become more mindful and present in your daily life.

The best part is that you don’t have to journal every day to experience the positive effects. Even occasional journaling can help you gain insights and enhance your well-being. Research has shown remarkable results when it comes to the benefits of journaling:

  • Participants often uncover deep emotional trauma through expressive writing – leading to better psychological well-being.
  • Regular expressive writing has been associated with lower stress levels, improved moods, reduced depressive symptoms, and even better student grades.
  • Gratitude journaling has been found to increase positivity and a sense of well-being.

While recording daily gratitude can become repetitive, just a few days a week can still bring about positive effects without losing its charm.

Source: Positive Psychology

28 prompts to get you writing and feeling the positive impact that journaling can have on your life!

Whether you choose to express your emotions through writing or to focus on the things you’re grateful for, journaling can be a powerful tool to enhance your mental and physical health. These prompts can help get your creative juices flowing.

  • How will you describe yourself?
  • Describe one of the best days you have had recently.
  • List all the things that make you happy today – big or small.
  • Write about a hobby you’d like to pick up and why.
  • What do you want to do with your free time today?
  • What is the habit that you have kept for the longest time?
  • If you can only keep 3 things you have now, what will they be and why?
  • Describe a life-changing moment.
  • What is going well in your life right now?
  • If you were to tattoo a quote on yourself, what will that be?
  • How will you describe yourself to a complete stranger?
  • Map out how do you make decisions. Is it by heart or with logical analysis?
  • What do you do on a bad day?
  • Write down the music lyrics that keep replaying in your head.
  • Describe a relieving moment.
  • Write about a change that made your life better.
  • If you can wipe something out from your mind, what will that be?
  • Do you want to live forever? Why?
  • If there was anything you could have known 15 years ago to help improve your life, what would it have been?
  • Create a letter to your future (or past) self.
  • Imagine you have a crystal ball in front of you, and you can ask any question about your future. What would it be and why?
  • Complete this thought: “Tomorrow, I will _______________.”
  • Describe how you are feeling today.
  • Expand on this thought: “I am courageous because _______________ .”
  • How have you handled arguments, disagreements, and conflicts in the past? How could you have done better in those situations?
  • Use the following words: hope, control, peace, and silence – and write whatever comes to mind with these words.
  • What items are on your bucket list and why? When do you hope to cross these items off of the list?
  • Write about 3 things in your life that bring you joy.

Write on!

3 important things to remember:

  1. Even occasional journal writing is beneficial
  2. It’s good for both our minds and our bodies
  3. Journaling isn’t just healthy – it’s FUN!
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Welia Health Connections

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